6.1. Carriers
Sub-pages listing:
In this section we will take a closer look at tables that list all carriers plans, which are used in your store.
The illustration below shows panes of the "Administrarion" tab, where you can view and manage all your "Carriers" (1), "Price Ranges" (2), "Logo" (3) and "Weight Ranges (4)".
Basic operations
From the carriers toolbar and context menu, you can perform the following basic operations:
1. [Refresh] data forces carriers list update. It is useful when you're changing connection or have any doubts in the latest data displayed.
2. [Add Carrier] calls blank "Edit Carrier" form, which is used to create a new carrier.
3. To edit carrier you can double-click it or use [Edit Carrier] button . It calls edit carrier form for the carrier you've selected.
4. You can [Delete Carrier] from your store . You won't be able to undo delete from store option, unless you've made a database backup.
5. [Shipping Settings] button calls the page where you can perform following actions.
"Handling" area
If your store provides payment for order handling - specify the value in a particular field.
"Free shipping". In case you indicate the value in the default currency or the amount in kilograms in the field below then this means starting from the certain value/weight of the ordered items the shipping of such good(s) will be free of charge. If you leave the zero in the appropriate fields - the store will not provide free shipping (will be disabled);
"Billing" area
Determinate the calculation based on the price or total weight value. To do so select relevant choice:
"According to total price"
"According to total weight"
Press [OK] to make your choice active.
6. [Export] option serves for saving the details from "Carriers" pane to the file of the corresponding format:
Logo Section
Logo Section allows uploading and assigning carrier logo. You can remove it as well.