9.1.1 Profiles and Employees
Sub-pages listing:
In this section you can find a table that lists all the employees and profiles and manage them.
Basic Operations
From the currencies toolbar and context menu, you can perform the following basic operations:
1. [Refresh] data forces Profiles/Employees list update. It is useful when you're changing connection or have any doubts in the latest data displayed.
2. [Add Profiles/Employees] calls blank "Edit Profiles/Employees" form, which is used to create a new Profiles/Employees.
3. To edit profiles/employees you can double-click it or use [Edit Profiles/Employees] button. It calls "Edit Profiles/Employees" form for the profiles/employees you've selected.
4. You can [Delete Profiles/Employees] from your store. You won't be able to undo delete from store option unless you've made a database backup.
5. To save all your Profiles/Employees data in Excel or HTML use the Export to Excel/HTML drop-down menu.
Employees Export option:
Profiles Export option: