5.1. Currencies
Sub-pages listing:
In this section you can find a table that lists all currencies that are used in your store. Here you can select Default Currency and specify the conversion rate.
Basic Operations
From the currencies toolbar and context menu, you can perform the following basic operations:
1. [Refresh] data forces currencies list update. It is useful when you're changing connection or have any doubts like is the latest data displayed.
2. [Add Currency] calls blank edit currency form, which is used to create a new currency.
3. To edit currency you can double-click on it or use the [Edit Currency] button . It calls "Edit Currency" form for the currency you selected . Please see below for options.
4. You can [Delete Currency(ies)] from your store. You won't be able to undo delete from store option, unless you've made a database backup.
5. To save all your currencies data in excel or HTML use the "Export to Excel/HTML" drop-down menu.
Currency editing
You can call "Edit Currency" dialog by double-clicking the record or a corresponding button on the toolbar/context menu. You can find the following edit currency dialog page:
Main Page contains general information of the currency. If you are creating a new currency, pay attention on fields marked with *. Those fields are required; others may be left blank or with default meanings.
You can link certain currency with the relevant store(s) in case you have the multistores under your business management. Just select the checkboxes with the store names you want to assign to.