4.2. Customers and Groups
Customers & Groups Management
In PrestaShop Customers & Groups section you can administer your existing and new PrestaShop customers and groups. Separate sections for groups and customers allow easy and fast access to lists of PrestaShop customers belonging to different groups.
"Groups" pane toolbar menu allows to perform the following basic operations:
To refresh the list of groups with the [Refresh] button.
[Add] button calls the blank edit group data form. You can choose to add a new group name in three different languages (English, French, and Spanish), define the percentage of reduction value on all the products for the group members, as well as determine the price display method.
Edit current groups from the list by double-clicking the selected group name or using the [Edit] button. The "Edit Group Data" form allows to modify the existing group name in three different languages (English, French and Spanish), changing the reduction value or price display method.
To remove the selected groups with the [Delete] button.
To export data to Excel and/or HTML using the Export drop-down menu.
The toolbar/context meny in the "Customers" pane allows to do the following actions:
To refresh the list of customers with the [Refresh] button.
[Add Customer] button calls the blank "Edit PrestaShop Customer Data" form. In the main section enter your customer’s gender, full name, password, e-mail, birthday information for future reference. With the "Status" option you can allow or restrict customer login. Select the "Newsletter" option to send newsletters via email and the "Opt-in" option to send them your ads. In the groups' section of the same form choose to assign the customer to a particular group or the main list.
To edit customer data double-click the selected customer name or use the [Edit Customer] button on the toolbar. In the edit customer data form modify the basic customer information from the main section, such as gender, full name, password, e-mail, birthday info, status, newsletter and opt-in options. In the group section of the same form edit the belonging of the customer to a particular group.
To remove the existing customers with the [Delete] button.
[Additional Filter] button on the toolbar allows to filter the customer list by selected group in the Groups pane or show all the existing customers.
Export data to Excel and/or HTML using the Export drop-down menu.
Additional Addons drop-down menu provides with an option of exporting customers to QuickBooks.
Take a note, you are able to plan this action on the specific day and time by using the Scheduler. In "Show scheduled tasks" list you can see all tasks which are currently scheduled and will run automatically.
To add a new task press the proper button in the top toolbar and choose the task type in the form shown below:
To be able to proceed you need to specify the configuration name or create the new configuration by launching the export customers process via Addon - [Create or Modify Configuration] button.
Then, specify the day and time to run the certain operation by using the Scheduler parameters and click on [OK] button to save the task.
In the PrestaShop Customers section, use the following side and lower menu bars for additional options:
Click the small side arrow on the far right side of the PrestaShop Customers section to open the side menu bar. From the options presented, Filter the PrestaShop customers list by Period or by Products.
Click the small down arrow on the low side of the PrestaShop Customers section to open the lower menu bar. It displays the record of Orders, Carts, Discounts, Addresses and Groups details of the customer list for your convenience.
You can also use the corresponding tool on the right pane with two tabs:
The first one allows to filter customer by time period with the specifications of the relevant store view to display:
The second tab serves to find and display the customers by the ordered products:
Use [Add] button to fill the list and apply the filter. Choose one of the two positions at the bottom, which will be taken into account during the filtering process, namely:
One of the products.
All products.
By using the column's heading filter, the customers can be displayed in the required order, for example, you can filter list:
By gender:
By age:
By registration date:
Activate the drop-down parameters' list and check the necessary variant(s) to filter details.
Check PrestaShop Customer Import for more detailed information on Customer Management.