8. Attributes and Groups
Sub-pages listing:
In product "Atributes" section you can find some options similar to Basic product operations (add, edit, delete), which you can perform with the help of product attributes toolbar:
[Add Group] calls blank "Edit Attribute Group" form that is used to create a new attribute group.
[Edit Group] calls "Edit Attribute Group" form for selected attribute group. Also, you can call this form by double-clicking any attribute group name.
[Delete Group] allows you to delete the group from your store. Note: You won't be able to undo the delete from store option unless you've made a database backup
[Add Attribute] calls blank "Edit Attribute" form that is used to create a new attribute
[Edit Attribute] calls the "Edit Attribute" form for the selected attribute. Also, you can call this form by double-clicking on any attribute name
[Delete Attribute] allows you to delete selected attribute(s) from your store. Note: You won't be able to undo the delete from the store option unless you've made a database backup
Press the [Export] button to export attributes and their groups to Excel file or HTML
If you manage multiple stores, you can upload the attribute list associated with the relevant store :