3.6.1. How to Import Tags
for Multilingual Store
In case import file contains an information on tags for each language separately for your multilingual store, follow next steps to transfer and display details properly.
See an example of the data which needs to be imported:
There are tags that are separated by the columns, depending on the language.
In order to transfer these details to the store’s front end correctly, launch "Products Import/Export Wizard" in Store Manager for PrestaShop, and go through the basic steps of the process till the assignment stage.
Scroll down the list in the left panel to find necessary fields. You will see the one for each language positions. Assign the file’s columns with the tags to the relevant fields of the store database.
Make sure all values are linked properly before going ahead.
Pay attention, data that is not linked will be skipped!
Do not forget to link the fields required to import identification to be able to proceed:
At the final stage check the store or stores that you want the imported tags to be reflected in:
And run the process of transferring:
Now you can check the updated details at your front end.
If your store is connected with Store Manager via bridge type or bridge connector module, do not forget to post the changes previously.