4.2.3 Export Customers
Sub-pages listing:
To export customers from Store Manager to a separate .csv file you need to launch import/export wizard. At first select customers for export and press [Import/Export Customers] button in the top toolbar of "Customers & Orders" section of Store Manager for PrestaShop.
"Welcome" page allows you to choose necessary process (in this case - [Export]) and launch export settings.
Select File
To select a file for export use a browser button or enter the file name in the proper field.
To add customers to the file that is located on the FTP server specify the correct data of your FTP connection.
You can use a previously saved export configuration file by clicking [Load Settings] button or may skip it, because it is not required, and press [Next] to proceed.
Select Customers to Export
The filter page allows to choose the amount of exporting data. Select relevant checkboxes for that:
Select Fields Delimiter and Quote Character
Next window shows you some important settings:
1. "Delimiter character". In most cases there are three types of delimiters: comma, semicolon and tab character. Be careful, because the export file is mainly created for further imports. If you choose the wrong delimiter, the data will be incorrectly exported to a file and can not be used to import in the future.
2. "Quote string". It serves to separate rows in the file, in which data will be exported.
3. "Groups delimiter". There are two types of delimiters: comma (,) and semicolon (;). Choose delimiter that will separate the group data values.
Select the data you would like to export.
Select Fields to be Exported
In the left pane, you can see the data that can be exported. Already formed groups of data allow uploading necessary fields from a certain area you want to export and transfer them automatically to the right pane.
If you choose the required for exporting fields and press this button, they will move to the right side. You can also drag and drop fields between two panels.
This button with an arrow serves for canceling your previous actions.
If you would like to export all data, just press this button.
To reverse your previous action for all fields at once - use the button number '4' as on an illustration below:
Confirm your choice to launch the process.
You can modify the export data with the help of specified expressions. To create them press [Add Expression Field] button in the top of the window
and open the "Expression Editor" window.
Type necessary expressions in it, click [Execute Expression] to test them and press [OK] to exit the editor.
[Export] button will launch the export procedure. You can see the export result in the next window, named "Finish". Choose one of the three proposed actions for Store Manager at the final step of the export wizard.
In order to use current configuration during the next export process, you should save it separately to a .cfg file. To do so press [Save Export Settings] button.
To add configuration to the embedded wizard list use the option below:
Otherwise, just skip it and click [Finish] to exit the export wizard.